Paper folding was studied in Bauhaus workshops of basics studies. There are some pictures where I have seen some familiar geometric constructions and forms. I have notified here where you could find those geometrically folded shapes.
Some geometric research of 3D-modular units which could shape regular polyhedrons or more organic continuing constructions. History of Curved Origami Sculpture Erik Demaine and Martin Demaine The earliest known reference in modern time Europe of curved-crease sculpture is from a student’s work at the Bauhaus, from a preliminary course in paper study taught by Josef Albers in 1927–1928. Polyhedra origami (from one sheet) This origami resource center provides information about the art of paper folding. We provide links to diagrams, databases, book reviews, and ways to be a part of the paper folding community. Miyuki Kawamura: Polyhedron origami for the beginners
Extreme Origami – Kunihiko Kasahara from New York Origami Center made a new book about his works. Daniel Kwan foldings shows what an elementary origami could be.
In old Japan the mass production of paper spread allover the country during the Edo period (1603-1868). So it was easier for ordinary people to study paper folding and enjoy the art of origami. The world’s oldest book on origami (1797), is titled “How to Fold a Thousand Cranes”. The book includes detailed instructions for folding paper cranes. In the following Meiji period (1868-1912) origami began to be taught widely for children in Japan, as in elementary school drawing classes, and became extremely familiar for people.